Mrs. Lawless' TERRIFIC 2's

October October 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — hlawlessqees @ 1:13 am

Where did September go?  The students have settled into routine and the morning transition into two classes ran very smoothly.  October is shaping up to be a busy month with Thanksgiving and Halloween activities to take place. 

 This months character trait is Responsibility.

We will be started Guided Reading groups and Literacy stations this week.

In Writing we are focussing on complete sentences and punctuation.

In Math we continue to work on patterns and Addition Strategies.

This weeks word work with focus on the short u sound.

This is my first year having a blog.  It is my hope that it will help you to have a better idea of what goes on in the classroom every week.  However I am just learing so there my be some road bumps!

Have a fabulous week!


Welcome to 2B September 2, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — hlawlessqees @ 1:24 pm

Welcome back to school.  I hope that you had a great summer.  I am looking forward to meeting you all.